Beyond Triggers

I was reminded of an annoying human behavior recently: when someone gets upset about something after you have just addressed it and/or are working toward resolving it.

I’ve caught myself doing this before. Someone would apologize for something and then that would trigger it again. Why is that? 

This points to how no one can affect us – that we are responsible for all of our own emotions – that they are generated inside of us.

Obviously they are generated in us, but most people operate under the assumption that they feel a certain way – sad, angry, happy – because of external circumstances in their life. They think they feel something because of how their day went, how people treated them.

If that were true then a person apologizing for something, or rectifying a situation should be uplifting or cause relief rather than have the potential to be upsetting.

It all feels so weak and immature.

What is the way beyond being triggered?



